Hi, I'm Sean, welcome to some of my photographs.
About me.
I have always had a passing interest in photography from the early days of using a Kodak instamatic and then a 35mm Cosina film camera. Once the digital became affordable I had a few compact "point and shoot" cameras but most of my photography ended up with snaps on my phone.
In the summer of 2020 I was given the option to buy a secondhand Canon Eos 6D and a 24-105 L lens, the price was so good that I thought I would keep it till Christmas and if I didn't use it much I would sell it on.
The camera didn't get sold on and I have made one or two additional purchases since(more of that here). In the beginning I started taking images around the garden, out on local walks and family. With Covid restrictions in place and working from home, the camera provided a little bit of a lifeline to some normality.
Links at the bottom of a few pages will take you to a Twitter and Instagram feed, there is also an embryonic YouTube page.